GM Canadian Ignition Switch Economic Settlement

Welcome to the GM Ignition Switch Economic Settlement Website

If You Are a Current or Former Owner or Lessee of a GM Vehicle that was Subject to Certain 2014 Recalls, You May Have Rights and Choices in a Proposed Settlement.

What is the Settlement about?

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Québec (the “Courts”) have certified/authorized for settlement purposes class actions seeking compensation for economic loss claims by current and former owners or lessees of certain GM vehicles that were recalled in 2014 (the “Settlement”). The recalls involved the Delta ignition system, key rotation, Camaro knee-key and electric power steering. Settlement Class Representatives claim that consumers overpaid when they bought or leased these vehicles. General Motors LLC (“New GM”) and General Motors of Canada Company (formerly General Motors of Canada Limited) (“GM Canada”) deny these allegations. Settlement Class Representatives, New GM and GM Canada have agreed to the Settlement to avoid the risk and cost of further litigation.

The proposed Settlement does not apply to claims for personal injury (and related family/dependent claims), wrongful death or actual physical property damage relating to the 2014 recalls. These class claims have been discontinued from the class actions as such claims may be pursued individually (not in a class action) if permitted in your province, and any such individual claims will not be waived or released by the approval of the Settlement. As a result of the discontinuance in the class actions, the limitation periods (legal deadlines for commencing a lawsuit) are no longer suspended and began to run again. After the limitation period, your right to sue will be extinguished. Get advice from your own lawyer about legal deadlines for individual lawsuits.

What does the Settlement Provide? 

Subject to court approval, the Settlement will establish a settlement fund of CA$12 million (the “Settlement Fund Amount”) to pay claims to eligible Settlement Class Members who submit a claim online or by mail before the deadline which will be posted on this Website. Payment amounts to eligible Settlement Class Members will vary depending on which recalls apply to their vehicles, the amount of administrative expenses, the number and type of eligible vehicles for which claims are filed, and the number of eligible Settlement Class Members who file claims.

The Settlement Fund Amount allocated to National Class Members will be subject to the 10% levy of the Class Proceedings Fund which has supported the prosecution of this action.

The Settlement Class Representatives, who are among the persons suing New GM and GM Canada, will file motions in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Québec seeking orders approving the Settlement (the “Approval Orders”). Settlement Approval Hearings have been scheduled for July 30, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (virtual only) and for July 31, 2024 at 9.30 a.m. (Eastern Time) before the Superior Court of Québec (virtual or in-person). These hearings are public. When available, the Teams/Zoom links for virtual attendance at the Settlement Approval Hearings will be posted here and on the Key Dates tab. You may appear at the Settlement Approval Hearings at your own cost, either yourself or through a lawyer hired by you, but you do not have to do so


File a Claim
  • The claims process has not yet begun. You do not need to do anything now if you intend to file a claim if/after the settlement is approved.
  • At this stage, the Courts only certified/authorized the class actions for settlement purposes and settlement approval is still pending. If the Settlement is approved by the Courts at the Settlement Approval Hearings, a Settlement Class Member will have to complete and submit a valid and timely claim form in order to receive a payment from the Settlement Fund Amount.
  • Settlement Class Members will be able to complete their claim form for payment online or by mail.
  • Procedures for the administration of claims and allocation of the Settlement Fund Amount to Settlement Class Members are described in the Settlement Agreement, which can be found on the Important Documents tab.
  • More information about how to file a claim if the Settlement is approved can be found on the Long Form Certification NoticeIf the Settlement is approved the Claim Form will be available in the Important Documents tab.
  • You may register your email or mailing address on the Register for Updates tab to ensure you receive notice of court approval and the claim deadline.
Exclude Yourself or "Opt Out"
  • Settlement Class Members who excluded themselves - or "opt out" - from the Settlement will not receive any Settlement benefits.
  • Only Settlement Class Members who opt out of the Settlement will retain the right to sue New GM and GM Canada and certain other released parties for economic loss claims alleged in the Actions at their own expense. Get advice from you own lawyer about legal deadlines for individual lawsuits.
  • Your request to opt out must be received by the Settlement Administrator by July 19, 2024. Non-Québec residents may send their opt out request to the Settlement Administrator. Québec residents should send their opt out request to the following address:

Clerk of the Superior Court of Québec
Montréal Court house
Re: Michael Gagnon vGeneral Motors of Canada et. al.
500-06-000687-141 | 500-06-000729-158
1 Notre-Dame Street East, Room 1.120
Montréal, Québec H2Y 1B5

  • More information about how to opt out of the Settlement can be found in FAQ 8. An Opt-Out Form is available here.
  • Settlement Class Members who do not opt out can object to the Settlement and explain why they do not like the Settlement in writing. Such objections must be received by July 19, 2024. Non-Québec residents should send their objections to the Settlement Administrator. Québec residents should send their objections to the following address:

Clerk of the Superior Court of Québec
Montréal Court house
Re: Michael Gagnon v. General Motors of Canada et. al.
500-06-000687-141 | 500-06-000729-158
1 Notre-Dame Street East, Room 1.120
Montréal, Québec H2Y 1B5

  • Objections will be delivered to the Courts and considered at the Settlement Approval Hearings. Settlement Class Members will be bound by any Court-approved Settlement even though they objected to it.
  • More information about how to object can be found in FAQ 10. An Objection Form is available here.
Go to the Hearing
  • To determine whether to approve the Settlement Agreement, Settlement Approval Hearings will be held on July 30, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (virtual only) and on July 31, 2024 at 9.30 a.m. (Eastern Time) before the Superior Court of Québec (virtual or in-person). When available, the Teams/Zoom links for virtual attendance at the Settlement Approval Hearings will be posted here and on the "Key Dates" tab.
  • The Zoom link for the Ontario Superior Court of Justice's Settlement Approval Hearing is the following:, Meeting ID: 637 8337 2984, Passcode: 660027.
  • To attend the Quebec's Settlement Approval Hearing: 
  • The Courts will consider objections to the Settlement and objecting Settlement Class Members may ask to speak at the hearings if they choose to do so (not required).
Do Nothing
  • Settlement Class Members who do nothing, including not filing a claim when the claims process begins, will not receive Settlement benefits, if they become available.
  • Settlement Class Members who do nothing (and do not-opt out of the Settlement, as described above) will give up their right to sue New GM, GM Canada and certain other released parties about the economic loss claims alleged in the Actions.

For More Information

Visit this website often to get the most up-to-date information.

GM Ignition Switch Economic Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 8111
Vancouver Main
Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2